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Living In God, Living In Love

How's your love life? Not your spouse or intimacy; how is your love for God and your Christian brothers and sisters? We have an awesome opportunity because of what God did for us; He sent His only begotten Son to die for us. If we confess Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in us (1 John 4:15). God sent His Son because He first loved us. We in turn, as Christians, have a supernatural ability to love others. In addition, knowing we have the love of the Father, we have no fear in the time of judgement (1 John 4:17-18). Jesus has taken care of that for us, and because we have received Christ, there is no need to fear the judgement to come. How exciting is that? We need to remember that Christianity is not just some thing we say we have; our lives will show it. The love John speaks of is Agape love; the unconditional love of the Father. God's indwelling Spirit puts that love in us to love others, even those who are unlovable. John says that if you don't love others you are a liar (1 John 4: 20). Wow that's harsh! But that's John saying that.

God's Word, so it is truth that we need to live by. Don't be mad at the messenger (me). Remember the greatest commandment according to Jesus is Love God and Love Others. It's not  a suggestion, it's a command. Love others like God loves you. If you would like to experience the love of God and learn more about loving others, join us Saturday night at 6:00 PM.

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