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The Refusal of Vashti

This week we will be finishing out chapter one of Esther. The first chapter is just laying the groundwork for the rest of the book. The book is clearly about the will of God, and how He puts people in place to accomplish His will. This week we'll see how the king summoned the queen to show her off, and she refused to come. The king gets angry, but before acting out of his anger he asks his "wise men" what he should do. One of the wise men, Memucan, speaks up and tells the king to send out a decree. The decree would include Vashti to never see the king again and be replaced by a better queen. More than that, all the women of Persia will have to give honor to their husbands. The men present were worried that if word got out that the queen disobeyed the king, their wives would surely disobey them. A couple of things jump out at me. On the one hand, good for Vashti for refusing to be paraded around to a bunch of drunks. On the other hand, Vashti was so prideful that she felt she did not need to obey the king. We too can be so prideful that we don't obey our King. There are so many in churches and ministry today who decide they won't obey God and do what they want to, not what God wants them to. Is this you? Is your pride leading you or is God? Lets make sure we are Spirit led, and obey the commands God has given us. God says, "If you love me, you will obey my commands." (John 14:15) One of His commands is to "not forsake the fellowship of the saints." (Heb. 10:45) Come join us this Saturday at 6:00PM. We would love to worship with you!

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